воскресенье, 25 ноября 2007 г.

Мой День Рождения!

И День Благодарение (Thanksgiving) but that was Thursday. Well today is my birthday, big 22. Today so far I've cleaned my room a bit, did a little bit of homework and caught up on my hand written journal. Thanksgiving, was the first time I went to class and the first time I wasn't with my family for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Russians aren't thankful for the Mayflower or the Pilgrims or the Native Americans that helped them. Remember that the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in the New World and not in Russia. So Tim and I decided to go to an Asian restaurant for Thanksgiving. He got soup, sushi and some ice cream desert with an apple. I got soup, plov (an Uzbek dish with rice and mutton, it was okay) and green tea ice cream. We also had a little bit of sake, it was warm too! Later we played some pool at Карамболь (Karambol') and finally we watched Диверсант. My host dad told me that Russia's soccer team is the champion of Europe or maybe of their bracket because Russia beat Andorra but England lost to Croatia! haha! earlier this year Russia beat England. Friday we went on an excursion to the art museum, it was interesting. I've found that I'm becoming a big fan of landscape paintings. Saturday I went to the central market, didn't buy anything. I just wanted to look around. I've always wondered where people buy racing jackets b/c I see them all the time, answer: at the market. I think thats where most of the people of Russia buy things. Not so much at stores such as Addidas or Nike, but at the market where things are dirt cheap. I've also noticed that a lot of people here where clothing that advertises a company, not clothing companies like Ralph Lauren, but other companies such as: HP, Marlboro, BMW. I've seen these on jackets, sweatshirts, and hats. Anyways Saturday night, Tim and I went to a club but this was an exclusive club. We were at a car dealership! ah yeah! It was for battle of the DJ, I don't know who won b/c Tim and I left at 2am and it went on till 6am. But it was a lot of fun.

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

hahaha oh dear...it would be sooo like you to get a hewlett-packard racing jacket from the market.