пятница, 16 ноября 2007 г.


We have more snow! The Norwegian returned back to Norway. Yesterday, Tim and I ventured into the Баня (banya), which is similiar to a sauna except we beat each other with branches. Unfortunately, Tim and I didn't have branches but we saw other people beating each other with branches. It was a pretty fun time, although I had more fun in the sauna when I was in Finland with a bunch of Finnish students. Anyways it was enjoyable, during breaks from the banya Tim and I would run outside onto the beach and roll around in the snow. I made some snow angels. Then we would run back into the banya giggling like little girls as the бабушки (grandmothers) would shake their heads at us. After the experience, we bought some beers to replenish ourselves and watched Диверсант (Saboteur). A great TV series about three Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War (World War II) who are special forces, but for sabotage. Its very good. Tonight I'm going with Tim to the theatre to see a comedy and then on Sunday I'm going with him to the ballet. Yesterday I bought Монгол (Mongol) and Black Sheep. Mongol is a Russian, German, Kazakh film about Ghengis Khan from his childhood up until he unified all the tribes of Mongolia. Very good film unfortunately no subtitles, but I understood a lot of it. Black Sheep I have yet to see, it is a New Zealand comedy about sheep zombies.

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

I'm excited for the sheep zombie movie! I wonder if they'll have New Zealand accents? Then it'll be like "Shaun of the Dead", but even funnier! Crikey!