суббота, 8 декабря 2007 г.

Монгольские Студентки и Вышибали

So another week has gone by, I have less than two weeks remaining in Russia. I have to say I'm torn: I want to go home but I also don't want to go home. Oh well. I'm surprised I'm not sick of potatoes yet, it's probably b/c I'm part Irish and I love potatoes. Anyways, this week Tim and I met the students from Mongolia. I initiated it, I asked if I could sit down and they said yes. Then asked where they were from and they said Mongolia. I said, "Cool, I'm from America. Are you from Ulaan Bataar?" They were surprised that I knew their capital, they responded with: "Yes, we're from Ulaan Bataar! How do you know Ulaan Bataar!!??" I responded with, "I know it is the capital of Mongolia." I found out that some of them study medicine and some study economics. They are here for 5 years. It was hard for me to understand them b/c they had a thick Mongolian accent. Thursday was the last day we ate in the cafeteria b/c all next week classes only go until noon. So we took pictures! It's not the prettiest cafeteria I've been in. Thursday was a holiday for the University, so there was a concert and afterwards a discoteque (not sure how to spell it, never wrote it in English) to go to. The concert was okay, little did I know that it was just a talent show for students. It lasted 3.5 hours. Ugh! But some of it was interesting. The club was fun, after the concert I was starving so I bought a half liter of Brahama and some pretzels, all together was less than $2! After I finished them off I entered the club, but the guards looked at me and said, "Can you stand okay?" I said yes. They said, "Your eyes ...(not sure what they said)" They were questioning me to see if I was too drunk to enter, so I replied with, "I'm a foreigner." They said, "Oh! Okay!" And they let me in. The club was fun, for the first time I drank Gin and Tonic from a can, most likely the last time I'll do that b/c it wasn't very good. Tim and I danced on the stage. We tried to enter Karambol but the bouncer wouldn't let Tim in b/c he thought he was too drunk. He was. Friday didn't do much did some homework. Tim went to Moscow last night for the day. I stayed b/c I have homework to do.

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