среда, 12 сентября 2007 г.

some things ive learned this week. 1. russian mustard is about as spicy as wassabe if not more. if you've seen the movie blood diamond you know what TIA is. well i decided to make TIR = This Is Russia. 2. Cars park wherever they want, even in the middle of the street, TIR. 3. You can get locked on the floor where you're taking classes, TIR. 4. Some busses were formerly used in Finland, or stolen from Finland. 5. there are cats everywhere, Tim thought one was a monkey b/c it was jumping around in the branches of a tree. they also appear out of nowhere, sometimes from holes in buildings. 6. Russian billiards, did not know that it existed, still haven't played tim and i decided to play pool instead. 7. femmullets, mullets, and rattails are all quite popular. its like the 80s all over again. but without the heat sensitive shirts.
In class the other day we were learning about некоторые and несколько one of the examples in the handout was "all of the women are beautiful except for..." haha i found that funny. i had to give an example, so i said all the dogs are green and my teacher looked at me as if i were on crack, and said зеленые? i said нет, зелёные. she said i have quite an imagination. i tend to think so too. classes are going well. No I haven't been arrested yet. However, I am going to Moscow with Tim tomorrow and we'll be staying with Christian Lorentzen, who was on the swimming/diving team with me last year. God only knows what we'll be doing.
I need to study now cause I have a grammar test tomorrow on Perfective/Imperfective and its 22:25, fantastic.

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