среда, 26 сентября 2007 г.

Another week gone by

Another week has gone by and little by little things are falling into place. I'm understanding things better, not neccessarily retaining certain vocabulary, but I am retaining some. Highlights of the week, going to a club with Tim. Tim danced with a prostitute, and we didn't know that she was a prostitute. Either the club was lame or Russians/Velikiy Novgorodians don't know how to break dance. I tried break dancing in the circle but no one did anything, TIR. Tim found Grand Dad's Vodka. If you didn't know Tim is a huuuuuge fan Grand Dad's Whiskey. So naturally we bought it. I went swimming on Sunday, it felt really good to get back in the pool. Next week I'll start volunteering at an archeological dig, I'm really excited about that. Oh and I'm attaching a picture of the swim team doing the haka because its sweet!

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

So much for the archeological dig! The picture of the swim team doing the Haka is pretty sweet though. I wish I went to see it!