четверг, 11 октября 2007 г.


Yesterday was a good day, I met a guy from Congo at school. I found out that he's been in Novgorod for a year now and he doesn't like cold weather. There are a couple other students from Congo here. I asked him at one point if people spoke French in Congo, I wasn't sure. And they do, so I told him I also spoke French and from then on we spoke French. It was good to use my French, but I realized very quickly that I've forgotten many words and Russian has surpassed my French speaking skills, but I still can understand everything in French. Then last night Tim and I met a guy from Kazakhstan. We learned some things about how they do tea there, one thing is they don't have handles on their tea cups. They use their hands to hold the cups on the lip. Therefore, they don't fill the cup to the brim, unless they don't like the person, but usually they fill it up 3/4 of the way. We also learned some interesting things about the country. If you didn't know, Kazakhstan was the first of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) to repay all its debts from the collapse of the Soviet Union. We also saw some really neat pictures of Kazakhstan and Abkhazia. We're going to meet him again and he's going to teach us some kung fu and we're going to play floor hockey on Saturday!

1 комментарий:

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oh man, when i was in novgorod i had a stalker from the congo!

if the guy from kazakhstan is yuriy, then please tell him hello from claire!