среда, 2 июля 2008 г.

Day 3 Taipei, Taiwan

So far this is my third day in Taiwan.  It has been a lot of fun so far, I haven't done any tourist things yet, I'm still adjusting to life and sleep here.  In case you haven't heard, Jennifer and I will be teaching English in Taiwan for a year.  Yesterday, I went to the hospital.  I got medically cleared to work and receive health insurance in Taiwan.  This included a physical checkup, x-ray, and blood work.  The cost for all of that $33.  Today, we signed our contract with HESS (the school we will be working in) the contract starts August 1, 2008 and ends July 31, 2009.  I will be teaching Kindergarden and 5th Grade (not sure about the 5th Grade part, but it is older kids in elementary school)  For the next two weeks I will be training to be a teacher.  They did put me on the spot two days ago, they made me go in and teach the Kindergarden class and the 5th grade class for ten minutes.  I played a word game with the K students and a past participle game with the 5 graders.  I'm really excited to start teaching Kindergarden...I get to go on Field Trips and engage in Nap Time....yes Nap Time....1hr and 30min of napping.  On another note, the food isn't bad.  I've been eating a lot of beef noodle soup.  7-11s are everywhere.  It very humid here.  I take a shower after I wake up in the morning and then another one when I return home.  I'm probably going to go find some shirts that are very breathable.  That is all for now, I'm working on my mandarin...it's getting better.